Saving Analytical Data Without Violating GDPR

With an effective date less than four months away, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), known officially as “REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016,” is becoming a pressing concern for companies inside and outside the European Union (EU). Broadly, the regulation specifies that personal data protection of […]
Understanding Server Message Block from the Ground Up

The Server Message Block (SMB) is an integral part of any successful organization’s technology assets. In this blog post, we’ll take an easily digestible look at SMB, including its history, why and how it is used and what SMB is used for during penetration tests. SMB was first referenced as “IBM PC Network SMB Protocol” […]
A Modern Approach to Hacking Modems

In a technology world where terms like Internet of Things (IoT), big data, augmented reality and bots are hot, a conversation about modems might seem painfully antiquated. But phone modems are still a surprisingly viable way for hackers to gain access to your organization’s valuable data. So today, we’re talking about the process for setting […]